Georgia Bureau of Investigation

Welcome to the GBI

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is an independent, statewide agency that supports the state's criminal justice system in the areas of criminal investigations, forensic laboratory services and computerized criminal justice information.

GCIC Lobby Hours

The GCIC Lobby Office is open by Appointment ONLY for Record Inspections and Fingerprint Services.

Complete Record Restriction Applications and Criminal History Updates may be mailed to:
Georgia Crime Information Center
P.O. Box 370808
Decatur, Georgia 30037

You may call 404-244-2639 option 1 for an appointment.

GAPS - Georgia Applicant Processing Service

Effective February 3, 2025, Idemia is the new GAPS vendor!

Please direct applicants to to register for fingerprinting and background check services. This site is also for new GAP agency enrollment.

GBI Tip Line

Call (800) 597-8477 to report information on a case, fugitive, suspicious activity, or a threat to school safety or homeland security.

See Something Send Something Mobile App

Submit tips from your mobile device by downloading the See Send App for iPhone and Android devices from the Google Play or the App Store

See Something Send Something mobile app tips are received and processed by the GBI Watchdesk 24/7

Coleman-Baker Act Application

To submit a Cold Case initially investigated by the GBI for review please complete the Coleman-Baker Act Application.

GBI Open Records Unit (ORU)

Child Fatality Review Unit

The mission of CFR is to serve Georgia’s children by promoting more accurate identification and reporting of child fatalities...

GBI Investigative Division

Special agents from the Investigative Division respond to requests for assistance from local law enforcement officials to investigate major crimes throughout Georgia.

Georgia Crime Information Center

GCIC provides law enforcement agencies throughout the state with round-the-clock access to criminal  justice information.

Division of Forensic Sciences

 Scientists and Technicians at DOFS, collect, analyze, and interpret all aspects of physical evidence for officers, investigators, and District Attorneys throughout the state.

Active Alert Sign-Up

Sign up to receive alerts through FaceBook and/or Twitter at the Georgia Association of Broadcasters AlertNet web site.

Georgia Applicant Processing Service

GAPS provides agencies submitting fingerprint cards the option to have applicant background checks processed electronically within 2 days in a non-criminal justice environment.

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC) is one of six Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) Program Centers, providing services and resources to law enforcement agencies since...