GAPS - Georgia Applicant Processing Service
Effective February 3, 2025, Idemia is the new GAPS vendor!
Please direct applicants to to register for fingerprinting and background check services. Fieldprint should no longer be contacted. This site is also for new GAP agency enrollment.
- Do you want to receive your state and authorized federal criminal history record checks for employment or licensing within 2 BUSINESS DAYS?
- Is your current practice of printing applicants, mailing fingerprint cards and waiting days for results to be mailed too CUMBERSOME?
- If so, register with the Georgia Applicant Processing Service (GAPS) and have results returned to a secure web server the same day or next day!
- GAPS provides agencies submitting fingerprint cards with the option to have applicant background checks processed electronically in a non-criminal justice environment. This process provides timely search results and decreases rejections due to poor fingerprint quality of inked fingerprint cards.
- Fixed GAPS offices will be located throughout the state so that Georgia residents will not travel more than 25 – 30 miles to be fingerprinted.
- Search results and criminal history records or “rapsheets” will be available for the agency to retrieve directly from the GAPS website within 24-48 hours after the applicant is fingerprinted and the transaction submitted to GCIC.
- Primary ID for fingerprinting at a Georgia Idemia collection site:
State-issued non-driver identity
US Passport/Passport Card
Military Identification Card
DOD Common Access Card
Work Visa w/ photo
Global Entry Card
Native American Tribal ID Card
Permanent Resident Card (I-551)
I-766 Employment Authorization Card
Foreign Passport
Foreign Driver’s License
State-issued driver’s license - International applicants will not be able to use the Idemia/IdentoGO Scheduling Website. Instead, will use the following International Applicants process explained below:
If you are an international applicant,
- The Georgia agency will provide you with the Originating Agency Identifier (ORI), Reason for Fingerprinting (RFP), and Service Code (if applicable) and then direct you to call Idemia at 833-542-9283 to register.
- An Idemia representative will send you an email with the Georgia Privacy Statements waiver.
- Once you return the waiver, the Idemia representative will create a registration with UE ID (registration number).
- While you are on the phone, Idemia will create an enrollment based on the ORI/RFP provided and capture your Personal and Demographic information.
- You will provide Idemia with payment.
- You will need to be fingerprinted on two separate set of the cards by your local Police Department or Sheriff’s Office and mail them back to Idemia.
- Idemia will then scan the print cards into the system and electronically submits them to GBI-AFIS.
Visit the GAPS website for complete details on the background check process, print site locations, and to register your agency. You may also contact GCIC at (404) 244-2639, option 2 or via email at [email protected] for additional information or assistance.